Subscription Members The work of Leather Working Group is made possible with the support that is paid by our brand and retail, supplier, and Affiliate members on an annual basis. It is important…
Designed as an easy-to-read questionnaire, the tool allows tanneries to: Evaluate their current environmental and social performance Identify areas where there is room for…
Deforestation due diligence and regulatory compliance Deforestation due diligence in the supply chain, and especially complying with the European Union Deforestation Regulation, is a pressing…
Leather Working Group is currently seeking to approve experienced auditors to be responsible for the auditing of leather manufacturers, with preferred locations and language skills being…
LWG brand and retail members are authorised to use the LWG logo to communicate our work and their commitment to sourcing its leather from facilities that are audited against the LWG Audit…
ZDHC — Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals ZDHC works with global brands, chemical suppliers, and manufacturers to reduce the textile, leather and footwear industry's chemical…
Why is Traceability of leather important? Driving the implementation of systems and processes which enable transparency in the leather industry is a strategic priority for LWG members. …