Leather Working Group is developing its next Standard, which will include moving from the current protocol to a Sustainability System that incorporates a Manufacturing Standard, Chain of…
Leather Working Group is developing its next Standard, which will include moving from the current protocol to a Sustainability System that incorporates a Manufacturing Standard, Chain of Custody…
Start your journey to LWG certification Your business may be certified if you manufacture or trade leather. Since 2005, we have designed standards to certify all actors in the supply chain, from…
Audit Scope The LWG Leather Manufacturer Audit Standard was designed to assess facilities processing leather from raw, crust, tanned material into pre-tanned, tanned, crust, or finished leather. …
Audit Assessment Overview LWG Leather Manufacturer Audit P7 Leather Working Group Leather Working Group sets the LWG Audit Standard of environmental and social criteria against which tanneries are…
We launched the current version of the LWG audit standard (P7) in 2021, marking a major advancement in our assessment of leather manufacturers and supporting a more sustainable and secure leather…