7 March 2025
Registration is now open for the Brazilian Working Group on Indirect Suppliers of Cattle’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, 25 March.
Known as GTFI (Grupo de Trabalho dos Fornecedores Indiretos), this multi-stakeholder organisation develops best practices for tackling deforestation within the beef industry and focuses on indirect services (entities that breed and raise cattle but do not directly sell to slaughterhouses).
The event will include presentations from meatpackers about their progress on meeting deforestation commitments, as well as discussions from GTFI about aligned progress on indirect supplier monitoring and its challenges.
This is a hybrid session taking place in São Paulo, Brazil. It will set out how the GTFl is supporting both voluntary and public prosecutor-led efforts to monitor indirect suppliers.
Speakers include Dr Ricardo Negrini, a federal prosecutor in Brazil's Pará state who monitors beef processors' climate commitments; Sandra Catchpole, who is head of Environmental, Social, and Governance at Brazilian meat processors, Masterboi; and Fernando Sampaio, Director of the Brazilian Beef Exporters' Association.
The event will be broadcast via Zoom. Please click here to register your attendance.