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Leather Working Group (LWG) is a global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the environmental impact of the leather supply chain through audit certification.

Our diverse stakeholder group spans the entire leather industry, including leather manufacturers, chemical suppliers, major brands, and retailers. Stakeholders actively shape our strategy by contributing through meetings, advisory sub-groups, and topical surveys, ensuring a collaborative and impactful approach to sustainability.

Executive Committee

LWG is governed by an elected Board of stakeholder representatives, that provides balanced and independent oversight of the organisation. The Board representatives are made up of four tanneries, four brands and one supplier. Each is elected for a term of four years and may stand for reelection for a second term, after which they must stand down.

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Programme Board

The Standard Development Programme Board oversees the work of our multi-stakeholder technical Task Teams in the development of the next evolution of the LWG Audit Standard.

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LWG is a membership-based organisation and relies on the support and funding from our members to continue our work.

LWG is not paid to carry out audits on behalf of its members or the leather manufacturers themselves, rather assessments against the LWG Standard are carried out by independent third-party auditors with LWG receiving only an administration fee, (currently £300).

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Claims and Labelling

LWG brand and retail members are authorised to use the LWG logo to communicate our work and their commitment to sourcing its leather from facilities that are audited against the LWG Audit Standard.

The LWG Claims Framework provides clear guidance on making claims about LWG and ensuring compliance with our labelling requirements.

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